Saturday, May 15, 2010

Prison talk from the child killer

Leipzig - It is a tasteless "coffee-wreath" to the girl's killer.
A macabre slap in the face of grieving relatives: Daniel V. (19), confessed murderer of little Michelle († 8), and Peter S. (39), who confessed to the murder of Corinna († 9), were allowed in the jail on make a chat in the cell - so that they are so lonely!
In the prison hierarchy, they are at the bottom, the children of murderers and rapists. In front of their fellow prisoners, they are not safe - except in front of their peers. Therefore allowed the Penitentiary (JVA) in Leipzig, the road line chat.
"You have a short conversation in the hallway, then went together in a cell and have talked for a while," said the prison spokeswoman Susan Mielke (41) compared EXPRESS. "Their cell doors were open but only when all the other prisoners were locked up."
 Daniel V., standing straight in Leipzig in court, and the lanky Peter S. alcoholic who has confessed to the murder of Corinna shortly after the crime. Whether they have also talked about their little victims? About her cruel crime?
 Nobody knows - the two were completely undisturbed! "In the prison cells in which prisoners are alone - in this case," Mielke explained and defended the prison chat.
"These criminals usually leave their cell 24 hours a day, not even go to the yard, are completely isolated. We have a responsibility towards the prisoners, must ensure that they are not lonely total. Otherwise it's only occasionally see the priest ... "
The meeting had been a one-time thing. After the verdict should be transferred to Daniel V. youth prison.
exchange on an Internet page on which ex-cons their experiences, it is said about the prison Leipzig: "This is almost like a hotel. More about it you have to say not really ... "