Friday, May 21, 2010

New vortex at Nova

Ljubljana / Cologne - It's the greatest thing for any footballer: One play at Wembley against England!
For FC captain Milivoje Novakovic (30) is the dream come true on Saturday when his Slovenes take the test against England.
"I would be happy to play for half an hour. Wembley is nice but secondary. More important is to gather match practice for the qualification game against Poland on Wednesday. This is the most important match for our national team for years, "says the Nova Express.
But when one hears the FC does not like - and that has a good reason. Healthy and in top shape of the top striker that is a long time is not. In the training camp of the Slovenes, he complains of pain.
Therefore, he called for FC physiotherapist Dieter Trzolek. His plan: "Tscholli should" Saturday to fly to London and treat Nova individually. Nova: "I asked Mr. Soldo, whether Tscholli me during the international break may be of help."
For the Druids FC ("I'm sitting on packed suitcases!") That would be no problem - but for Soldo. The coach issued Thursday Tscholli travel ban!
"He does not fly," explains Soldo, "we need him for the other players here in Cologne. I told Trzolek and Nova. And also that he should not play if he is in pain. If the FC for not important? "
A question with background. For Soldo had and especially manager Michael Meier is already far from happy to see when Nova had played three weeks ago in World Cup qualification game against San Marino. Nova gained match practice and presented at 5-0 two goals. FC he could not convince even modified. Just imagine if Novas would worsen health by the international match again!
Slovenia coach Matjaz Kek, the Cologne Bendenken not understand the meantime, "Nova will play against England from early on, but not full over the distance. I do not understand that you can not trust him. "
More 1 FC Köln: FC Manager: "Petit was aimlessly"