Thursday, May 27, 2010

Firefox overtakes the Explorer

Clever and quick - clearly, this is the fox. Not only in the forest, but also on the screen! So use it like so many Sun
Firefox is the most used browser in the German Internet. By so doing, the Firefox Internet Explorer overtaken by Mircrosoft and displaced to second place, shared with dasMarktforschungsunternehmen Fittkau & degree.
All equipment used browser versions together, Firefox came to a total market share of 45.6 per cent and was thus just before the rival Microsoft with 44.4 percent. Prior to ten years for Microsoft had the largest shares in the German market recorded.
The browser Safari, Opera and Google Chrome is reported to reach a combined market share of just under ten percent.
In particular, the version 3 of Firefox lies with a user account for 44.2 percent well before the version 8 of Internet Explorer from Microsoft with 25.5 percent. In addition, the market research company that many users of Internet Explorer to surf with old versions. For example, 16 percent have turned to the version 6.