Monday, April 5, 2010

Peter: Dear greetings from Istanbul

Istanbul / Cologne - Ümit Özat (32) laughs. He makes jokes. He is curious and simply good mood
 "I feel great! I rest at home in Turkey, "begins the FC captain the EXPRESS conversation.
His days as a "grass widower" are over. As previously announced, the rise of cardiac hero to his wife and children Nurdan Dilara and Ali Ümit nachgereist and is currently attending relatives in Istanbul.
17 degrees currently prevail in the picturesque city on the Bosphorus. Ümit enjoy the sun during the day and evening, the blaze at the home grill.
More important, however: The defense-Star, which prescribed the medicine in the specialty clinic in Hanover recently absolute silence until the beginning of February, forge 111 days after his collapse in the game in Karlsruhe plans again - and believes more than ever on his comeback!
"My wife and the children will be on 9 January flying back to Germany. But I still do not. Instead, I am going to Belek and visit the guys in training camp, "announces Özat and pushes hope:" In February I will attack again. "
It would be absolutely sensational return! And Ümit continue believing in his own personal happy ending. Although he still has to wait until the doctors give him the green light to return to the square.
"I'll tell you something," he says, "if I go to Cologne by the city, I am moved again and again. So many people recognize me and want me to come back onto the pitch. For this, I can only thank the people of Cologne. This support is building for me. That makes me very proud. "
Ümit love greetings from Istanbul. They especially make one thing clear: A strong man has not given up hope yet ...