Thursday, February 25, 2010

Cologne's city must Gym Lock

Cologne - The large gymnasium of the Willy-Brandt-House Comprehensive School in the amount is too. It had to be closed down immediately. In a routine investigation has established the municipal building industry cracks in the roof construction.
"There is danger of collapse," said Engelbert Rummel, the head of the building industry, on demand of the EXPRESS. "There were cracks observed in the structure of the hall. It brooked no delay. "
After the cracks were discovered waiting, the city has turned an immediate test engineer for Structural Analysis. Yesterday submitted a report and recommended to suspend operations because of the angel tree. The City Magistrate ordered the immediate closure of the hall, which was founded in 1960 "built in Weidenbruch.
Mayor Fritz Schramma spoke of an "unpleasant surprise", but security is now going before time. "Before anything happens, the gym will be closed and carefully examined," said Schramma. "If necessary, must be promptly rectified."
And in a way. For planning, tendering and renovation of the gymnasium, a period is scheduled from approximately six months so that the hall could be expected until April or May 2008 are available again. After an initial estimate of the building industry is at a cost of around 150,000 euros to be expected.
The School of Administration is currently considering what alternative possibilities for school can be created. Still, the hall is used by 1,200 students. The Bürgeramt Mülheim cares where you can engage the local clubs who use the gym as well, otherwise their sport. Months.
The building industry is currently still a very different problem: "We now need to find out about our routine tests also erstmal how many identical gyms we have in Cologne, where they are," said Engelbert hype.